About > PTO
The PTO Board Welcomes You!
The John Paull II Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) would like to welcome you to JPII for the 2023-2024 school year! We are excited to have your family here with us this year.
Every year the PTO board and many other volunteers are on a mission to enhance the lives of our students by making their school experience more successful through enjoyable and exciting enrichment activities.
What is the PTO all about you might ask? Here are answers to some of the most common questions:
What Does the PTO Do for Students, Parents and the School?
The purpose of our volunteer organization is:
- Aid the students and staff by providing support for educational and recreational needs
- Raise funds to help supplement tuition offsetting costs for parents
- Provide a platform for each parent’s voice to be heard and bring new ideas to life
- Provide communication between the administration, teachers, and parents
- Encourage JPII school spirit and pride
- Develop committees that raise money and/or run events and programs that benefit the students such as:
- Fall Festival
- Catholic School Week Activities
- Walk-A-Thon
- Class Field Trip Transportation
- 8th Grade Luncheon and Graduation Reception
- 8th Grade Scholarships
- Spirit Wear and Used Uniforms Options
- Sign-Up Genius
- Classrooms Renovation
- Accelerated Reader Programs
- Staff Prayer Lunches
- Recess Equipment
- Air Conditioning for Classrooms
- ActivBoard for Classrooms
- School Building Repairs
- School Ground Landscaping
- Christmas Craft Festivities
- School Directory
- And more!
How important is my involvement?
So many parents are busy with work, grocery runs, transportation to kids sports and events, paying bills and managing lives that it feels that there is no room left to help at school. Many parents feel that if they become involved then the commitment will never stop. It can a daunting and often stressful decision to pitch in and help.
But every parent’s involvement is KEY TO SUCCESS. It takes a village to raise a child and you are just one piece of your child’s village
Please consider participating – large or small – in the way that works best for you. See all the many volunteer opportunities available at PTO Paul II PTO
What is the PTO meeting schedule?
The PTO meets every second Tuesday at 7 pm throughout the school year in the library. They typically last one hour. It is attended by the PTO members, the Principal, a Teacher representative and all parents are welcome! This forum is a chance for parents to bring concerns, share ideas or gain knowledge about what is happening at their child/children’s school. Most meetings will consist of a review of past and upcoming events and then the second half will focus on planning.