Spiritual Formation

About > Spiritual Formation

“Christ is the reason for this school. He is the unseen, but ever-present teacher in its classes. His is the model of its faculty and the inspiration of its students.”

At JPII, the Catholic faith and beliefs are put into action by our students. Prayer and service learning is the center of life as a JPII student. The students are involved in daily prayer both student and teacher led. They participate in retreats, prayer services and daily religion instruction. Each week our students gather to celebrate Mass. During this celebration, the students have the opportunity to be liturgical ministers such as lectors, servers, Eucharistic Ministers, and Ministers of Preparation.

Sacrament preparation for first Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation are celebrated at the students’ individual parishes. The students will learn about the sacraments during religion instruction in the various grade levels.

Service learning is a key to living out the Catholic faith. This is an opportunity for the students to put the lessons they have learned into practice. Our service opportunities are student led and benefit the church and local communities. School-wide projects include collections for food pantries, coat drives for St. Vincent DePaul, collections for Elizabeth New Life Center and Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly. In addition, students write letters throughout the year to elderly individuals in the parish and local Senior Living Centers, and volunteer at Hands Against Hunger, Matthew 25 Ministries and Ronald McDonald House. Our junior high students partner with Magnified Giving to research and raise money for non-profit organizations that care for the needs of people and animals. These projects enhance the students’ understanding of the value of service and encourage lifelong involvement in serving others.