Prospective Families > Security
In today’s environment, it is extremely important that students have assurance that they are safe at school and during school-sponsored activities. Parents and teachers need to feel that every precaution is being exercised to ensure their safety. Because of this, the school has developed procedures to help minimize opportunities for security to be compromised. However, the procedures are only effective if everyone is committed to them, even if the restrictions seem inconvenient.
Access to the School
The outside doors to the school are locked during school hours. Security cameras have been installed at all of the school’s entrances and are monitored from within the building. Before entering, a person must be “buzzed” in by the administrative assistants or a member of the administration. Visitors are required to sign in at the school office and receive a visitor’s sticker. This helps monitor who is in the building. Persons without such identification will be reported to the school.
The students are instructed not to open doors to visitors. It is important that parents respect these instructions and do not try to enter the buildings from the playground or other areas without authorization.
Background Checks
A thorough background check is required for all those employed or volunteering to work with youth or vulnerable adults as a cleric, at a parish or school, as an Archdiocesan employee or at an Archdiocesan institution. All volunteers and employees are required to complete the electronic/online background check through prior to beginning their volunteer activity or employment. In addition to the electronic/online background check, employees are required to complete manual fingerprinting and submit a B4 form before beginning their employment at an Archdiocesan parish, school, or institution.
Crisis Plan
Working in cooperation with the local fire and police departments, a crisis plan has been developed which outlines the procedures to be followed in the event that there is a natural disaster or an emergency situation at school. Should it become necessary to activate the plan, lock down or evacuate the school, or transport students to another location, school personnel and families are required to follow the directives of emergency personnel.
In the event of an emergency, the school utilizes a web-based “blast” messaging system of communication, which rapidly notifies parents via home phone, cell phone, email, and text messaging regarding the nature of the emergency and provides pertinent information about the safety and location of the students. Reminders can also be sent out to specific groups.